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What is a protein?
Proteins are macronutrients that are essential to the proper functioning of the body. They play a structural role in the body and represent, among other things, the essential components of muscles. Proteins are therefore necessary for muscle growth. They are made up of different amino acids. There are about 20 of them, 8 of which must absolutely be provided daily by the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body. They are called essential amino acids. Supplementation is often preferred to help build and repair the muscle fibers of athletes. If only one essential amino acid is missing, this can create an imbalance.
Thus, it is logical that the daily protein needs of athletes increase, especially when the objective is muscle growth.
The different types of proteins
Whey concentrate
Considered the most common form of whey protein, the concentrate is obtained after filtration and drying of whey. It contains little fat and sugar. Rich in amino acids and with a complete aminogram, it represents the most widespread form on the market. Whey concentrate also has a high bioavailability and is therefore perfectly assimilated by the body.
Whey isolate
Also derived from whey, the isolate undergoes a more advanced filtration process, which makes it slightly more expensive. Its fat and sugar content is even lower. This is why this protein is considered lactose-free. It is therefore more digestible and very suitable for people with lactose intolerance. Whey isolate is ideal for athletes looking for muscle building and definition or for people who want to lose weight while maintaining their muscle mass, especially during the dry period.
Whey hydrolysate
Here, the whey has been filtered by hydrolysis and offers even lower fat and carbohydrate contents while ensuring the best digestibility. The assimilation is perfect and faster. With its more complex manufacturing process, whey hydrolysate is the most expensive form of whey protein but the purest and highest quality.
There are also vegetable proteins from rice, peas or hemp.
Rice protein
This is a powder obtained from brown rice, much richer than classic white rice. Rich in nutrients, digestible and hypoallergenic, it represents a natural alternative for people with a vegetarian or vegan diet. The rice protein has an almost complete aminogram perfectly compatible with the practice of sports and muscle gain. This vegetable protein is ideal for maintaining and gaining muscle mass, improving recovery or losing weight.
Pea protein
It is a protein obtained from yellow peas. It is suitable for vegetarians and vegans as well as those intolerant to lactose, gluten or soy. Considered hypoallergenic, it has an almost complete amino acid profile. However, its methionine content remains low, so it must be combined with another protein for optimal assimilation. It represents a good substitute for casein and allows an effective muscular reconstruction.
Hemp protein
Characterized by a very complete nutritional profile, it represents a source of quality vegetable proteins thanks to its complete aminogram. It contains all the essential amino acids. Rich in micronutrients, it is a real ally for health! It helps fight against oxidative stress and cell aging, while strengthening the immune system, preserving heart and brain function and fighting inflammation.
Egg white protein
A remarkable source of amino acids, it is assimilated in 3 to 6 hours. Its absorption rate is 100% and is well suited to sensitive people, as it is easily digested.
It represents the major part of the proteins contained in milk (80%) and is appreciated for its smooth texture. Its assimilation is very slow, from 6 to 8 hours, which allows a slow diffusion of amino acids. It is advised to consume it rather in the evening, before the bedtime. By diffusing amino acids during several hours, it avoids the muscular catabolism occurring during a long period between two meals such as the night.
The gainer
The gainer is a powder composed of proteins and carbohydrates, dosed for mass gain and weight gain. It is THE essential food supplement for mass gain programs. Depending on its composition, the gainer can be more or less loaded with carbohydrates or other ingredients. Intended for people who have difficulty gaining weight, the gainer is very caloric.
Protein foods
Protein is one of the main components of our diet. Most of our foods contain more or less protein. Red meat, for example, is very rich in protein. It is advisable to consume foods rich in protein to avoid the loss of muscle mass. Foods such as chicken, eggs, fish or milk are recommended. Other vegetable proteins, such as legumes (lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas, split peas, etc.), soy or tempeh, are also recommended. But, be careful, to obtain a complete aminogram, it will be necessary to associate them with cereals such as rice or corn.
The need for protein increases during a training session, a surplus of protein is then necessary to allow the development of muscle mass.
For bodybuilding
Proteins are essential for maintaining good health but they are also essential for bodybuilding. When building mass, it is necessary to provide enough nutrients to the muscles so that they can grow. During training, the muscle fibers break down, it is the food intake that will allow to repair and thicken them. The use of protein powder in bodybuilding is therefore a solution to complete a balanced diet and cover the increased needs of athletes. To gain muscle, the duration of digestion and the amino acid content are to be taken into account. Eating often is preferable to gain mass and muscle. Thus, it is necessary to favor rapidly assimilated proteins such as whey, isolate and hydrolysate during the day, after training and as a snack for example, and casein at bedtime to promote muscle recovery and avoid catabolism.
For weight loss
Proteins are essential for maintaining and building muscle mass. They therefore help to maintain a high metabolism that allows you to burn more calories. In addition, they have a natural appetite suppressant effect, ideal for managing your weight easily. And, from an aesthetic point of view, they help to maintain the acquired muscle mass and thus to keep a firm and toned figure.
For sports performance
Any repeated and intense sports activity puts pressure on muscle reserves. To maintain the integrity of muscles, bones, ligaments and tendons, proteins are essential! Moreover, they play a role in muscle contraction.
To help muscle development and ensure the maintenance of muscle mass during a diet, the use of protein supplements is recommended. We also offer protein snacks such as drinks, bars and even spreads. Perfect for breakfast or as a snack!