5 mistakes not to make when taking food supplements

Taking dietary supplements provides real support for your body and mind, but it's important to know how to take them so you can benefit from their full effect!

But beware, there are a few pitfalls to be avoided if you don't want to turn these allies into enemies. Here are the mistakes we see all too often. Spoiler alert: you might recognize yourself.

Mistake #1 - Taking supplements when you don't need them

As you probably know, each active ingredient in these supplements has a specific purpose. When your diet already provides everything your body needs, there's no need to add supplements to your routine.

So take stock of what you really need before you start adding supplements.

Tell yourself that taking 5 whey shakers a day won't accelerate your muscle gain, because your body isn't capable of assimilating that much protein efficiently.

Mistake #2 - Not being disciplined about taking supplements

Many supplements need to be taken every day, especially on rest days. That's why it's important to be well informed and to define your supplement intake.

Whether it's vitamins, proteins or amino acids, make sure you take them when you need to and at the right time to maximize their effects.

Mistake #3 - Forgetting to adopt a healthy, active lifestyle on the side

Bear in mind that it's your diet and physical activity that will have a real impact on your sporting goals. Whatever you decide to supplement will be there to help and support you towards your goal.

Supplements can never replace a healthy lifestyle. They are there to complement a balanced diet and a regular training program.

Get involved in a good sports routine, follow a good diet, and let the supplements do the rest. No more days of eatingprocessed foods and sitting around all day!

Mistake #4 - Not finding out enough about the complement you want to integrate

A common mistake to avoid! It's important to think twice before adding a new supplement to your routine, so take the time to do a little research.

Do you really know its benefits, its potential side effects? And how it fits into your current diet? A little research or expert advice can really help you see things more clearly.

Mistake #5 - Beware of mixing supplements

It's important to know that some supplements don't work well together, and may even cancel each other out. So it's vital to find out about the compatibility of supplements, and to avoid combining too many stimulants.

For example, combining a drainer for water retention with creatine is useless, as creatine creates water retention. So doa little research before making yourself a homemade cocktail!